Monday, November 10, 2014


October 23, 2026

This site is still under heavy construction and I will remove this message and put up a completed blog post when it is done. Please bear with me as I carry out my investigation.

Hello, and welcome to my blog on Fringe Division. My name is Dr. Rebecca Saito and I am currently working as a consultant on bioethics with an emphasis on genetics for their recently integrated case files from Fringe Division.

This blog is a place for me to put my synopses of my findings and profiling of the key players from Fringe Division.

Links open in a new window


Olivia Dunham

Peter Bishop

Dr. Walter Bishop

Astrid Farnsworth

Charlie Francis

Colonel Phillip Broyles

Lincoln Lee

Nina Sharp

Dr. William Bell

Case Synopses

The main topics, such as "Human Weaponization" are my ethics papers where I discuss my findings in the subtopics and how they effected my views on the ethics on such topics. I also go over the benefits these areas of science present, as well as when it has gone too far. The main papers are opinionated, so if you are looking for an almost purely factual paper, read the subtopic papers. (Links will turn red when they are filled out)

Transgenics/Genetic Engineering

Human Weaponization
  • Radiation "Therapy"
  • Project Tinman
  • Project Jellyfish

Experimentation on Children
Cortexiphan Trials

Disclaimer: This is my Multimodial Project for Otis College's Writing in the Digital Age Class. There is no Dr. Saito, and I do not have a professional opinion on the science behind Fringe.

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