Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Kelvin Genetics

Kelvin Genetics

Recently I was just subjected to horrific sights in the basement lab of Kelvin Genetics. Kelvin Genetics is notorious in the Fringe files for creating horrors through transgenics. Transgenics is the practice of transplanting the genes of one organism to those of another to create a hybrid, or an organism made of more than one organism’s genes.

The first mention of Kelvin Genetics in the Fringe case files is in 2009 when they created a bat based hybrid made up of multiple different creatures. This creature killed seven people and infected Agent Charlie Francis with its offspring before Dr. Bishop killed it.

Since then, other scientists from Kelvin Genetics have been creating hybrids and experimenting with transgenics. Now, I usually would condone experimentation in transgenics, however, the way that Kelvin Genetics carry out their experiments is just sick.

During my “visit” with Agent LaForge, we discovered that Kelvin Genetics had finally moved on to human trials of their experiments. These victims of experimentation had lost most of their humanity and chased us through the facility. We were separated and

Since their discovery in 2009, Kelvin Genetics has made frequent use of their successful bat base for their hybrid organisms. Most of these new human hybrids were created from the bat base and then modified with more animals to give them different enhancements without the disadvantages of each species.

Now, if you reference my Critical Essay, you can see there are many possible benefits to experimentation with hybridization and transgenics on animals. However, in the conditions that Kelvin Genetics keeps their subjects in are dismal at best. Also, the purpose of their research is to create a kind of super soldier.

Our apprehended criminal Dr. Carlisle told us Kelvin Genetics hasn’t been shut down because they’re in a contract with people of power who are paying them to continue their transgenics research. Their contractors are requesting soldiers with certain specifications, and the only way to attain these specifications is through transgenics to an extreme degree.

As far as I’m concerned, this goes against regulations from multiple different organizations and international biological policy. Mutilation and “any medical procedure which is not indicated by the state of health of the person concerned and which is not consistent with generally accepted medical standards” according to the International Committee of the Red Cross, whose policy references already established medical codes and international court decisions.

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